Tips for Students

Tips for Students



After joining the Torbram College of Business, Technology & Healthcare you will experience lots of new challenges. Each phase of life will teach you something new. So, you should get ready to interact with new people and experiencing various challenges. We are here to assist you in getting excellent experiences in the Canadian learning environment.

Take Advantage of the Online Tools 

You can utilize your time in learning about health and safety, the transportation system, and Canadian culture. To start your research, you can use the website of Torbram College of Business, Technology & Healthcare as it consists of lots of useful information.

Make New Mates

There are many benefits of making new friends, especially in the new country as you will be able to learn new languages, vocabulary and improve your interpersonal skills. Attending classes at Torbram College of Business, Technology & Healthcare will give you the chance to meet with different people from various backgrounds. Don’t get comfortable with the people who belong to your community, spend time with the people who speak the English language which will help you in adopting new skills.

Indulge Yourself in Canadian Culture

It would be very interesting to learn the different customs of Canada for international students. Understanding Canadian cultures will assist you in making new friends easily. You can be able to improve your overall personality after engaging yourself in conversations with different people.

Be Punctual

In the Canadian culture punctuality is very important, if you are getting late for a meeting or any assignment, let other people know that you will be late. Arriving before the exact time is also not good, as the host may not be prepared. Simple students should learn to be on time so that they do not miss any important opportunity.

Get Adequate Insurance

While living in Canada international students require appropriate travel medical plans so that they can manage their health care expenses. There may be some plans provided by Torbram College of Business, Technology & Healthcare in which you are getting enrolled but make sure to visit the website that what they are covering under the plan. The plan which will cover your accidents, normal health problems, free doctor consultation will be called a suitable insurance plan.

Be Aware of the Transportation System

After arriving in Canada everyone has to do daily routine works, for that knowledge of the transportation system matters a lot. For commuting purposes, you can use Brampton Transit. Click here to get more information about Brampton Transit

Banking Services

As an international student balancing funds is very crucial for this there are many banks available in which you can open a bank account and enjoy all the benefits of banking services. One of the leading banking services is provided by Scotia bank. Follow this link to visit the website of Scotia bank

Apply for the Driving License and SIN (Social Insurance Number)

 For the driving license, students have to give an exam after preparation. There are three stages of the Ontario Graduating Licensing Program G1, G2, and G. You must pass each stage to get a valid driver’s license. For applying for the SIN (Social Insurance Number) you must visit the service Canada where you can get access to all the benefits after applying the SIN. Please refer to

Popular Grocery Stores

There are numerous grocery stores are available in each city of Canada such as No Frills, Walmart, Superstore, and many more. You can purchase any required items such as household items, eatables, etc. 



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