Financial Aid
November 21, 2020 2021-07-19 17:59Financial Aid
Financial Aid

Torbram College of Business, Technology & Healthcare offers assistance with your tuition funds. Students looking for financial assistance can visit our campus and discuss their unique situation with our Financial Advisors who can guide them in the best way. You can contact us at There are a number of funding options available for you to use so that you are not kept away from learning skills for your career.
Student Line of Credit
Many banks offer a student line of credit which offers less interest rate to students in comparison to credit cards. Canadian banks offer this to help students finance their post-secondary education. Here are some major banks in Canada where you can get more information on the student line of credit they offer:
Out of Province Students
Qualified out of province students may manage to get financial assistance. For further information, visit the Government of Canada’s Student aid and Education Planning.
Employment Ontario
The Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) offers Employment Ontario program to aid people who are unemployed or are qualified for Employment Insurance.
Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP)
The Canada Revenue Agency’s Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) allows you to withdraw amounts from your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) to finance your education. For further information, visit the Lifelong Learning Plan
Registered Educations Saving Plan (RESP)
Students who have been named a beneficiary under a family member’s Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP), may use funds from the RESP to finance their education. For further information, please visit the Government of Canada’s Student aid and Education Planning.
New Immigrant Student Loan Program
This program enables skilled immigrants and refugees in Canada to apply for a microloan to get the required Canadian licensing or training to continue their careers. For further information, please visit Windmill Microlending
Monthly Payment Plan
All students are eligible for a monthly payment plan without any prior credit check. In this plan, the tuition and education-related costs are divided such that students can do monthly payments for the same. The requirements include that the first payment must be made by the first day of classes and the last payment’s deadline is about one month prior to your course completion. For further information about acceptable payment methods, please visit Pay My Tuition