Atlantic Business College’s Hotel/Restaurant Management Diploma course can help you get started on the path to running a hotel or restaurant. You will learn the various aspects of the hospitality industry, from front office duties, housekeeping, and maintenance, to marketing and selling hospitality services. By the time you finish the program, you will have also learned about methods of food preparation, as well as service, storage, and menu planning.
Year 1
- Communicating Across Contexts or Communicating Across Contexts (Enriched)
- Service Leadership
- Math in Hospitality
- Hotel Front Office Operations and Management
- Dining Room Service Management
- Computer Essentials
- Business of Tourism
- Food and Beverage Operations Management
- Hospitality Accounting
- Career Strategies for Hospitality
- Services Marketing
- Food, Theory & Practice or Events, Meetings and Convention Services
- Housekeeping Management or Meetings and Incentives
- plus: General Education Course
- Human Resource Management
Year 2
- Financial Management
- Guest Security Management or Wedding Planning
- Hospitality Law Management
- Business Development Management
- plus: Professional Option Course
- plus: General Education Course
- Digital Marketing and Social Media
- Strategic Services Management or Event, Exhibit and Design Services
- Hospitality Management Simulation or Food, Liquor and Wine
- Industry Co-up (Paid/Un-Paid)-16 Weeks (Starting May 2023)